WhatsApp Integration / Twilio

Ministry.Chat does not have native integration with WhatsApp. However, it is possible to achieve a basic level of integration by using a third-party tool. In this guide, we'll quickly lay out how to integrate Ministry.Chat with WhatsApp using Twilio's programmable SMS.

Step 1

Create an account at Twilio.

Step 2

Log into your Twilio account. The default landing page is the Dashboard for your account. On the left side panel, click on the All Products and Services icon to expand it.

Click on Programmable SMS and then on WhatsApp.

Step 3

For production purposes, you will need to have your account approved by WhatsApp (see the Senders link on the same section). In the meantime, you can do the same configuration in the Sandbox environment provided by Twilio. Click on Sandbox.

On the first section, Sandbox Configuration, you'll need to enter your Ministry.Chat server details on the When a message comes in field. The format is as follows:


That's it!

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