
Use the Mailer tool to send email to users inside your Ministry.Chat server.

Use the From field to set the address to send the email. Check the Dry Runoption to send the email only to the address defined in From.

You can also filter who receives the email by using a valid user query in the Query field.

Then, you can write a subject and a body for the email. When you write the body, add brackets to add dynamic data to the body.

Add the following brackets to the email body:

  • [unsubscribe]: creates an unsubscribe link. The email body must have an unsubscribe link.

  • [name]: uses the full name of the user that receives the email

  • [fname]: uses the first name of the user that receives the email

  • [lname]: uses the last name of the user that receives the email

  • [email]: uses the email address of the user that receives the email

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