
Configuring Keycloak Identity Provider

Create a client in Keycloak.

  1. Provide a client ID: rocket-chat-client

  2. Select the client protocol as openid-connect

  3. Select the client access type as confidential

  4. Standard flow implemented: ON

  5. Valid Redirect URL: http:{Ministry.Chat_server_address}/*

The following image shows the minimal configurations needed to setup Keycloak as an Identity Provider to Ministry.Chat.

After saving the changes a new credentials tab will be created for the client. This credentials tab will provide the client secrets which will be used when configuring the Ministry.Chat

Configuring Ministry.Chat

Create a Custom Oauth provider

  • Login to Ministry.Chat with an administrator account and navigate to OAuth page.

  • Click the Add custom OAuth button and provide the following configurations

The URL paths provided in the below configurations can be also obtained by navigating to the Realm setting and clicking the endpoints link in the General Tab. While configuring the below settings replace the realm_name with the appropriate realm name. The default realm provided by Keycloak is master.

  1. URL: http://{keycloak_ip_address}:{port}/auth

  2. Token Path: /realms/{realm_name}/protocol/openid-connect/token

  3. Token sent via: Header

  4. Identity Token Sent Via: Same As "Token Sent Via"

  5. Identity Path /realms/{realm_name}/protocol/openid-connect/userinfo

  6. Authorize Path /realms/{realm_name}/protocol/openid-connect/auth

  7. Scope: openid

  8. Param Name for access token: access_token

  9. Id: This is the id of the Ministry.Chat client created in the keycloak rocket-chat-client

  10. Secret: Secret key provided in the credentials tab when creating the Ministry.Chat client

  11. Button Text: Login with Keycloak

Leave the rest of the configurations as default.

Now logout from Ministry.Chat to view the keycloak based login option visible in the login page.

Mapping non-federated keycloak user roles to Ministry.Chat roles

This section documents how client-specific roles of keycloak managed user can be mapped to Ministry.Chat roles. This does not work for federated users (e.g. LDAP managed users).

For this example, we map the admin and livechat-manager role, as documented in Permissions.

First we add the required roles to the client

then we have to add a mapper entry, that maps our client roles to OpenId, passing the value to Ministry.Chat

Now in order to grant the Ministry.Chat role to a user, we have to modify the users Role Mappings.

![User Role Mapping][User Role Mapping]

The roles are only synced on first login, and not being refreshed on each login. Please see the bug report for current state.

[User Role Mapping]: user_role_mapping.png

Last updated