Basic White-labeling
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This guide will focus on customizations that non technical users can make to their Ministry.Chat Server. To achieve this you will be using only the admin settings.
Here is where most of the changes to the UI will happen. Found in the administration menu.
Let’s start out with the most basic changes you can make to your server, changing colors. Ministry.Chat offers the ability to change most of its elements colors
The Error variable will change these elements: The background on switch buttons (when disabled)
The Error Light variable will change these elements: The border color when disabled
The Alert variable will change these elements: Warning icon
The Alert Light variable will change these elements: Favorite button color
The Success variable will change these elements: The online status
The Success light variable will change these elements: Confirmation Icon
The Button Primary variable will change these elements: The home page links colors
The Button Primary Light variable will change these elements: Checkbox border (Don't ask me again / modal)
The Alert Message Primary variable will change these elements: The thread icon and the responded message
The Alert Message Primary Background variable will change these elements: Background color in mail messages instructions
The Alert Message Secondary variable will change these elements: Border and font color in mail messages instructions
The Alert Message Secondary Background variable will change these elements: Background color in mail message instructions
The Alert Message Warning variable will change these elements: Border and font color in mail messages instructions error
The Alert Message Warning Background variable will change these elements: Background color in mail messages instructions error
The Primary variable will change these elements: Sidebar background
The Primary Darkest variable will change these elements: On hover in rooms and users in the sidebar
The Primary Dark variable will change these elements: The open room
The Primary Light variable will change these elements: Fonts and icons color/ sidebar
The Primary Light Medium variable will change these elements: Don't ask me again unchecked border of checkbox
The Primary Lightest variable will change these elements: directory hover on room
The Content variable will change these elements: color of the number of unread messages (mobile view)
The Link Active variable will change these elements: the hover and active color on icons / room actions
The content section allows you to change the HTML content of a number of screens on your Ministry.Chat server. The following screens are available to be edited:
Home Title: The title on the header of the first screen that your users will see when they log in.
Home Body: The content of the first screen that your users will see when logging in.
Login Terms: This is the text under the login page.
Terms of Service: By default this screen is accessed on the links under the login page, here you can set the terms of service of your server. Can also be accessed via YOUR-SERVER-URL/terms-of-service
Privacy Policy: By default this screen is accessed on the links under the login page, here you can set the privacy policy of your server. Can also be accessed via YOUR-SERVER-URL/privacy-policy
Legal Notice: By default this screen is accessed on the links under the login page, here you can set the legal notice of your server. Can also be accessed via YOUR-SERVER-URL/legal-notice
Side navigation footer: This is the logo on the left sidebar. We recommend using the images set on your Assets for better consistency.
Here you can define the font family for the system in a list separated by commas, Ministry.Chat will try to use the available fonts starting from left to right.
Display Roles: Toggles the display of user roles by the usernames on messages
Group Channels By Type: Enabling this will separate the channels by category (Channel, Private Room, DM or discussion) on the left sidebar.
Use Full Name Initials to Generate Default Avatar: This will make so the default avatars are generated using the person Full Name instead of Username. E.g. By default the user blue.ducks
with the name Richards Nate
will have an avatar with the letters BD
, if this setting is active, it will be RN
Use Real Name: Enabling this will change the display of Usernames to Full Names
Click to Create Direct Message: Enabling this will make it so when you click an avatar, it will open a DM with the selected user.
Unread Counter Style:
Different Style for user mentions: This will make the notification counter differentiate normal messages from mentions
Same style for mentions: This will make the counter mark mentions and normal messages as the same
Allow Special Characters in Room Names: This will enable the use of special characters like ! @ # $ % ^ & *
in room names
Show top navbar in embedded layout: This toggles the top navbar when using ?layout=embedded
in the end of the url
Here you will be able to change most of the logos on your server. Found in the administration menu.
logo (svg, png, jpg)
Changes the logo on the footer of the left sidebar
Changes the logo on the login page
login background (svg, png, jpg)
Changes the background of the login page
The next items are mostly icons for different operational systems and platforms, we recommend using the same image with the specified size and format on each item: Favicons are used in the browser tabs and as the icon for the server on the desktop application:
favicon (ico)
favicon (svg)
favicon 16x16 (png)
favicon 32x32 (png)
Icons for the notifications on chrome in android:
android-chrome 192x192 (png)
android-chrome 512x512 (png)
Icons for favorites on Iphone:
apple-touch-icon 180x180 (png)
apple-touch-icon-precomposed 180x180 (png)
Tiles on Microsoft Windows 10 start menu:
mstile 70x70 (png)
mstile 144x144 (png)
mstile 150x150 (png)
mstile 310x310 (png)
mstile 310x150 (png)
Safari pinned tab Icon:
safari pinned tab (svg)