File Upload
In this article you will find all of the settings related to File Uploads.
General Settings
File Uploads Enabled
Use this setting to enable or restrict file uploads on your server
File Uploads Enabled in Direct Messages
Use this setting to enable or restrict file uploads on Direct Messages
Maximum File Upload Size (in bytes)
Use this setting to define the maximum allowed file size for uploads.
Set it to -1 to remove the file size limitation.
Accepted Media Types
Use this setting to define what types of files the users will be able to upload.
Comma-separated list of media types. Leave it blank for accepting all media types.
Protect Uploaded Files
Yes: Only authenticated users will have access to the uploaded files.
No: If in possession of the uploaded file's URL, unauthenticated users will be able to access and download said files.
Storage Type
GridFS: Uses the GridFS storage type
AmazonS3: Uses the Amazon S3 storage type
Google Cloud Storage: Uses the Google Cloud Storage storage type
WebDAV: Uses the WebDav storage type
FileSystem: Uses the FileSysyem storage type
Amazon S3
You can find a more detailed guide on how to set your Amazon S3 server here.
Access Key
Your Amazon Access Key ID (optional)
Secret Key
Your Amazon Secret Access Key (optional)
Note: If no
are set, the underlying AWS SDK will fallback to trying to retrieve credentials from the usual locations.
A Canned ACL configuration (see a full list here)
Bucket name
The bucket name you've created on Amazon S3
Bucket URL
Override URL to which files are uploaded. This URL will also be used for downloads unless a CDN is given
CDN Domain for Downloads
If you had set a CDN for your bucket, put it here
Proxy Avatars
Proxy avatar file transmissions through your server instead of direct access to the asset's URL
Proxy Uploads
Proxy upload file transmissions through your server instead of direct access to the asset's URL
If you have created your bucket on region different from the US Standard, you have to set their code here (see a list of region codes here)
Signature Version
Identifies the version of AWS Signature that you want to support for authenticated requests.
URLs Expiration Timespan
Time after which Amazon S3 generated URLs will no longer be valid (in seconds). If set to less than 5 seconds, this field will be ignored.
If you run into issues with files not loading consistently for some users located further from server location. Increasing this time might help.
System Path
The local path for where the uploaded files will be stored.
Google Cloud Storage
Settings used when configuring a Google Cloud Storage server. You can find more details in here
Google Storage Access Id
The access ID (or username) of the service account which has access to your Cloud Storage bucket.
The Access Id is generally in an email format, for example: ""
Google Storage Bucket Name
The name of the bucket which the files should be uploaded to.
Proxy Avatars
Proxy avatar file transmissions through your server instead of direct access to the asset's URL
Proxy Uploads
Proxy upload file transmissions through your server instead of direct access to the asset's URL
Google Storage Secret
What is a essentially a .pem containing your private key and certificate.
You can find a guide here on how to get your keys.
Google Vision
Settings related to the Google Vision feature.
Google vision is a Paid API from Google, using it on Ministry.Chat may generate fees, see Google Vision page.
Block Adult Images
This setting enables the blocking of adult images
Blocking adult images will not work once the monthly limit has been reached
Current Month Calls
Here it will be displayed how many calls were made this month
Enable Google Vision
This enables the Google vision feature on your server.
Max Monthly Calls
Here you can define the max amount of calls that should be made in a month.
Use 0 for unlimited
Google Vision Service Account
Create a server key (JSON format) and paste the JSON content in the field.
Document Text Detection
This will enable text detection on images, when text is detected on an image, a property with the text will be added on the file entry in the database.
Face Detection
This will enable face detection on images, when a face is detected on an image, a property with the face information will be added on the file entry in the database.
Labels Detection
This will enable labeling on uploaded images, then a property with the image labels will be added on the file entry in the database.
E.g If you post an image of a cat with glasses, the categories
will be added to the file.
Landmarks Detection
This will enable landmarks detection on images, when a landmark is detected on an image, a property with the landmark information will be added on the file entry in the database.
Logos Detection
This will enable logos detection on images, when a logo is detected on an image, a property with the logo information will be added on the file entry in the database.
Properties (Color) Detection
This will enable color detection on images, this will create a property with the colors used on the image on the file entry in the database.
SafeSearch Detection
Safe Search Detection detects explicit content such as adult content or violent content within an image. This feature uses five categories ("adult", "spoof", "medical", "violence", and "racy") and returns the likelihood that each is present in a given image
Categories will be added as a property on the file entry on the database.
Search Similar Images
This will enable users to search for similar images directly from Ministry.Chat.
Settings used in the setting of a WebDAV storage server.
WebDAV Password
Password for the remote webdav server.
Proxy Avatars
Proxy avatar file transmissions through your server instead of direct access to the asset's URL.
Proxy Uploads
Proxy upload file transmissions through your server instead of direct access to the asset's URL.
WebDAV Server Access URL
The URL of the WebDAV server (WebDAV URLs of Common Cloud Storage Services).
Upload Folder Path
WebDAV folder path which the files should be uploaded to.
WebDAV Username
Username for the remote WebDav server.
Last updated
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