General Settings
Allow Invalid Self-Signed Certs
Allow invalid and self-signed SSL certificate's for link validation and previews.
Bugsnag API Key
If you are integrating Bugsnag with Ministry.Chat, you should put your Bugsnag API Key here.
CDN Prefix for JS/CSS
Insert here the prefix for the CDN that should load the JS/CSS assets
CDN Prefix
If you want to use a CDN to load the assets of your server, insert here your CDN Prefix.
Use CDN Prefix for all assets
This will define if all assets from the server will come from a CDN.
Enable Favorite Rooms
Yes: Users will be able to favorite public, private and direct channels.
No: Users won't be able to favorite channels.
First Channel After Login
Insert here the name of the channel that the user will enter after logging in. Setting this field to empty or setting a invalid name will result in the user being directed to the server's home page.
Force Disable OpLog for Cache
Will not use OpLog to sync cache even when it's available
Force SSL
You can use this setting to force SSL on your server. We Strongly Discourage the usage of this setting, this should be done at the reverse proxy level by redirecting to https.
Caution! Force SSL should never be used with reverse proxy. If you have a reverse proxy, you should do the redirect THERE. This option exists for deployments like Heroku, that does not allow the redirect configuration at the reverse proxy.
Google Tag Manager Id
You can use Google Tag Manager on Ministry.Chat by setting your Id on this setting.
This sets the default language for the server. This setting will be overridden if the user has changed his language preference.
This button restarts the server.
Robots.txt File Contents
This sets the content of the Robots.txt file, used to help indexing your server on different search engines and crawlers.
Show Setup Wizard
For now this setting SHOULD NOT be changed. Setting this to pending
and logging out can basically lock down your server. Please refer to this issue.
Site Name
This sets the name of the server.
Site URL
This sets the URL of the server.
Store Last Message
Store last message sent on each room. This will enable the viewing of the last message on the left sidebar (should be on by default)
Unread Count
This setting changes the behavior of the unread counter
All messages: All messages will be counted on the counter, regardless if they are a mention or not.
User mentions only: Only mentions using
will be counted on the counter.Group mentions only: Only group mentions using
will be counted on the counter.User and group mentions only: All mentions will be counted, this includes
Unread Count for Direct Messages
This setting changes the behavior of the unread counter on Direct Messages
All messages: All messages sent by another user will be counted on the counter.
Mentions only: Only mentions using
will be counted on the counter.
Enable the App Framework
Use this setting to enable the Ministry.Chat Apps Framework. This allows you to add Ministry.Chat Apps from our Marketplace to your server.
Settings related to our GraphQL API. You can find more info on our GraphQL API here
Use this setting to enable CORS for the GraphQL API. Enabling CORS will make the server only accept API Calls from specific origins.
Note: Currently our GraphQL CORS accepts all domains. Setting this to false, will make your server only accept requests from the same domain of said server. E.g.
server will only accept requests from
GraphQL Enabled
This setting enables the GraphQL API on your server.
GraphQL Subscription Port
Here you can choose what port will be used for subscriptions on the API. More info on subscriptions here
Note: Cannot currently use the same port that Ministry.Chat is running on.
Iframe Integration
Enable Receive
This setting defines if a parent window can send commands to Ministry.Chat.
Receive Origins
Origins with protocol prefix, separated by commas, which are allowed to receive commands e.g. https://localhost
, http://localhost
, or * to allow receiving from anywhere.
Enable Send
This setting defines if Ministry.Chat can send events to the parent window.
Send Target Origin
Origin with protocol prefix, which commands are sent to e.g. https://localhost
, or * to allow sending to anywhere.
Always notify mobile
Choose to always notify mobile device regardless of presence status.
Max Room Members Before Disabling All Message Notifications
Max number of members in room when notifications for all messages gets disabled. Users can still change per room setting to receive all notifications on an individual basis. (0 to disable)
Allow Getting Everything
This setting affects the count
query parameter. See more at Offset and Count Information
Yes: Allows the usage of the number
parameter. Settingcount
will return ALL the data from that endpointNo: Setting the number
, will return0
Should calls to the REST API be allowed to return everything in one call?
CORS Origin
Here you can set what origins are allowed to make requests to your server.
You can use
to accept from all origins. For multiple Origins use a comma separated list.,,
Default Count
The default count for REST API results if the consumer did not provided any.
Enable CORS
Use this setting to enable CORS for the REST API. Enabling CORS will make the server only accept API Calls from specific origins.
Note: Setting this to false, will make your server only accept requests from the same domain of said server. E.g.
server will only accept requests from
Enable Direct Message History Endpoint
This enables the /api/v1/im.history.others
which allows the viewing of direct messages sent by other users that the caller is not part of.
Enable Shields
Enables the usage of Shields via API
Enabled shields are available at
Shield Types
Types of shields to enable as a comma separated list, choose from online
, channel
or *
for all
Max Record Amount
This sets the maximum number of records the REST API should return when not set to unlimited
User Limit for Adding All Users to Channel
This limits the amount of users that can be added to a Channel at the same time.
Send Statistics to Ministry.Chat
By sending your statistics, you'll help us identify how many instances of Ministry.Chat are deployed, as well as how good the system is behaving, so we can further improve it. Don't worry, as no user information is sent and all the information we receive is kept confidential.
Stream Cast
Stream Cast Address
IP or Host of your Ministry.Chat central Stream Cast. E.g.
or localhost:4000
Custom Translations
With this setting you can configure custom translations for your server.
Should be a valid JSON where keys are languages containing a dictionary of key and translations. Example:
UTF8 Names Validation
RegExp that will be used to validate usernames and channel names
Note: If you are having problems with names when creating channels (when using non-english characters for example) changing these values will probably fix it.
Update Latest Available Version
Whenever we have a new version available, it will show up on this field.
Last updated
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